Wednesday, November 9, 2022

It's Still Here

I've been thinking about blogging again and I was curious if my old blog was even still here.  I attempted several times about 4 or 5 years ago to make something of it but I lost all interest.   I was thinking about picking this up again.   I haven't posted in forever and I honestly thought this would have been deleted.  

Much to my surprise, it's still here!  I will be dusting things off and adding photos, etc.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Busy! Busy! Busy!

I have fallen down the rabbit hole.   I bought a new sewing machine in July and I have gone to the dark side of sewing. 

I have been dinking around with a few knitting projects here and there but mainly have been sewing.  It's been quite a while since I've done much sewing to speak of, so I've made a few simple pillowcases and a trash bag for my car.  I have a couple of sewing projects in the queue but I have to get back to finishing up some Christmas knitting projects.  

This weekend I hope to have all 85 points of the Princess Shawl finished and I can begin to pick up all 865 stitches.  Also, I hope to finish a Christmas Sweater for my BFs mother.  It's put together but just need to do the buttons and weaving in the ends.

I will start after the holidays on my sewing projects.  Maybe sooner, depending on how long I can stay away. 

Sunday, May 20, 2018

It's been over a month, really?

Wow!  Time flies when you're having fun!  I've been super busy knitting and living life. 

I started the My Log Cabin blanket by Bonne Marie Burns.   I knitted it in the yarn called for in the pattern, which is Briggs and Little.  I used the same colors too.  After all, it was the colors and pattern that called to me.  What isn't revealed is just how addicting this is!  I could not put this down.  I finally had to stop at nearly the end because I didn't have enough of the black.  But, no worries - one more skein is on its way!   I was able to admit to my addiction, so I ordered enough for another one for a Christmas present.  So - when I ran out, I put the live stitches on a strand of yarn and cast on the Christmas one. 

I also have been working on the Gradient Lapghan and have fallen behind on it because of the Log Cabin.  But I'm not feeling too guilty as one square only takes me about a week or so. 

About 6 years ago I started on the Princess Shawl by Sharon Miller.  In those 6 years I've packed up my house, sold it and moved.   It sat and sat.  :-(  I pulled it back out again only to my horror found several holes in it.  The holes were beyond repair.  So - I bought more Gossamer yarn and picked it back up again.   I have no deadline and there's no hurry.  However, I have made a commitment to myself to do at least one point per day (there are 85).  I am really enjoying this but I have to admit my eyes can only deal with it for so long.  Thankfully I have a nice easy going Log Cabin blanket to knit on that really doesn't require much thinking and is great for TV watching.

The Princess as of last week.  I will upload a photo at another time as I have nearly 10 points finished, but you get the idea....

That's really about it.  However, here's a quick picture of Waffles who is one of my knitting buddies...

Friday, April 13, 2018

So far, So Good!

Bethia is coming along very well.   I am just about ready to start the German Short Rows and if it keeps going well I should have this done in about another week or two. (yay)   I don't like knitting with cotton but this is wool/cotton.  I sure do hope the stitches all even out after washing.

Meanwhile, I have done a little bit of sewing.  When I sold my house and moved I tossed so much stuff.  When I got settled and started cooking again and having company for dinner I realized the only placemats I had were Christmas ones.   I've been looking around for every day placemats, not really finding what I wanted.   So.... I ended up making a set of four.   They turned out pretty well, considering my sewing is a tad rusty.  

Pictures to come!

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Lost in Translation? Let's Hope Not!

One of my favorite yarns and designs to knit is Dale of Norway.  I've knit quite a bit of it and have a lot in my stash.   Someone on a Norwegian Facebook group posted a photo of this - and I fell in love.  The problem?  It's in Norwegian and to my knowledge isn't available in English or in the USA for that matter.  It seems that Dale of Norway has separated from DaleGarn, or at least that's how I understand it.  It means getting Dale of Norway yarn has become difficult. 

Thankfully, my friend Ann Lisbeth (who coincidentally lives in Norway) was able to get the pattern for me and was oh so kind and mailed it to me.  It must have been my lucky week because I was actually able to get the yarn in the US.  I've had it in my stash for a while and finally got the nerve to attempt translating the pattern.  Thanks to  Ann Lisbeth and Google Translate I was able to get an accurate translation.  (Crossing fingers and toes here.)  In translating I discovered that they were telling me to use German short rows.   Had I not just finished a Christmas project for BF's Mom, I would not have had a clue what they were talking about.   Clearly the universe was in alignment for this to be next in my queue.   Ponchos just are not my thing, but I will clearly make an exception for this one.  😀  👍

The yarn used is Lerke which is a wool/cotton blend and Erle which is a mohair/silk blend.  I'm not one for mohair, but it's soft enough and is only used in one small place.   I'm thinking it will be just right for early chilly mornings or when the AC is cranked up at work. 

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Crawling Out of My Mole Hole

It has been years since I've blogged.  Nearly 4 years I believe.  I have missed blogging about my knitting and spinning, so here I am!

I have knitted so many pairs of socks over the years I can't even begin to count them.  They're easy, portable and don't take much concentration other than the toe and heel.

I've started knitting some Christmas presents already and am just about finished with a big project which I will talk about later.

I also have joined the Cascade Yarns 2018 Knitterati Knit-Along Gradient Lapghan.   I have finished the first square and am anxiously awaiting the second square release some time today.

I also have a few shawls in the stash waiting to be pulled out and I'm looking forward to those as well.

So much to knit.  So much to show.   So much to tell.